Building Voices

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  1. Sex Advice from your Friendly, Locally sourced Lesbian
    08 Jun, 2019
    Sex Advice from your Friendly, Locally sourced Lesbian
    Hi there. It's me again. Since we’re still in this honeymoon phase where those sweet little bombs of juicy new information are dropping, I’ll lay this one on you. Yes. Me! A lesbian. I love that word! My journey into the forest of sexual awkwardness had its share of detours, trolls, and bush. But today, on this lovely sunny day in June, I’m feeling a little generous. Let’s discuss the LGBTQ+ dating scene in the Bay Area and some advice I've gathered from dipping my toe in. I’ve been a
  2. Naked, Insomnia-tic, and Afraid
    07 Jun, 2019
    Naked, Insomnia-tic, and Afraid
    I lay in bed writing this at 2:00 am and I have come to a shocking sort of self-confrontation. I have been jugged over the head with a truth and now I am split into many. A procrastinator at heart, and a nihilist raised by a cynical times, will do battle with the small fraction of myself that is Naked, insomnia-tic, and afraid. Deep in the jungles of my mind, a scared beast slows its heartbeats and waits for danger to pass. She dances in and out of life at opportune, safely guarded moments.
